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Kmstool CLI (aws only for now)

The tool is a companion to conkolla. You can use it to encrypt/decrypt plaintext to/from a blob file or simply display its base64 value.

  -file string
    	The filename of the blob to be decrypted, or if --secret is given to be stored in
  -key string
    	The KMS key ID.
  -provider string
    	KMS provider. Supported are: aws
  -region string
    	The region for the KMS.
  -secret string
    	secret to encrypt
    	When encrypting, print only a base64 string of the blob (do not write file).    

Credentials for KMS is as to the aws aws sdk-for-go, see the section Specifying Credentials.

File shasum 256
kmscli.macOS d7d0c086f36a7446bf77e1f48f664b2598a293a9e6b5039b5ff2563f11a21a0f
kmscli.exe 5971263c76f9f85c7dae9fe3df5d6f12b82afddd5af4a04a6ee5ce40b608b16d
kmscli linux ccd1e8fb9d7c3af5f0e68f8df4f13fb8a9b5887186c5ca5b7e310ed8ccee7319

## Example Usage (Linux)

 # Encrypt to console:
./kmscli -key KMS_UUID -provider aws -region AWS_REGION_CODE -secret MY_PLAINTEXT_PASSWORD -string

# Encrypt to file: 
./kmscli -key KMS_UUID -provider aws -region AWS_REGION_CODE -secret MY_PLAINTEXT_PASSWORD -file MY_BLOB_FILE

# Decryption:
./kmscli -key KMS_UUID -provider aws -region AWS_REGION_CODE -file MY_BLOB_FILE