sdpctl Quick Start Guide


Appgate sdpctl is compatible with SDP Collectives versions 6 and newer.
Check this page regularly to get the latest version which is

Usage Examples

Complete the initial setup after downloading

# Step 1: Extract the executable

# Step 2: Required if you are using self-signed cert on Admin UI, otherwise skip
  Download the CA cert from the Admin UI, System, Certificate Authority
  Place the downloaded cert file in the same folder as the sdpctl binary

# Step 3: Provide the Admin UI url
> sdpctl.exe configure
# or
> sdpctl.exe configure --pem <ca-cert-file-name>
  ? Enter the url for the Controller API (example
  Configuration updated successfully

# Step 4: Sign in to your Collective
> sdpctl.exe configure signin
  ? Choose a provider:  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
  ❯ Azure AD SAML Admin
    Azure AD OIDC

  ? Please enter your one-time password: ******
  Successfully signed in

# Step 5: Verify the configuration
> sdpctl.exe appliance status
  Name                    Status     Function      CPU     Memory    Network out/in           Disk    Version
  ----                    ------     --------      ---     ------    --------------           ----    -------
  Singapore Controller    healthy    Controller    1.4%    13.9%     34.9 Kbps / 17.1 Kbps    1.7%    6.0.1+30125
  Singapore Gateway       healthy    Gateway       0.3%    12.7%     0.64 Kbps / 0.12 Kbps    0.9%    6.0.1+30125

# Step 5: Optionally, check the Completion command to enable command completion for your shell for convenience
Upgrade a Collective

# Step 1: Prepare the upgrade
> sdpctl.exe appliance upgrade prepare --image=<upgrade-image-zip-or-url>

  ? Do you want to continue? Yes

  [2022-09-27T15:04:01+02:00] Preparing image on appliances:
    ✓ Singapore Controller: ready
    ✓ Singapore Gateway: ready

  [2022-09-27T15:05:09+02:00] PREPARE COMPLETE

# Step 2: Backup then complete the upgrade
> sdpctl.exe appliance upgrade complete
  ? Do you want to backup before proceeding? Yes
  ? Path to where backup should be saved /Users/ann.gills/Downloads/appgate/backup
  ? select appliances to backup: Singapore Controller ( Controller )


  Appliances will be upgraded to version 6.0.2+30473


  [2022-09-27T15:07:56+02:00] Upgrading primary controller:
  ✓ Singapore Controller: upgraded

  [2022-09-27T15:11:18+02:00] Upgrading additional appliances (Batch 1 / 1):
  ✓ Singapore Gateway: upgraded

  [2022-09-27T15:14:25+02:00] UPGRADE COMPLETE

  Appliance               Upgraded to
  ---------               -----------
  Singapore Controller    6.0.2+30473
  Singapore Gateway       6.0.2+30473
Backup an appliance

> sdpctl.exe appliance backup
  ? select appliances to backup:  [Use arrows to move, space to select,  to all,  to none, type to filter]
  ❯ [ ]  Singapore Controller ( Controller )
    [ ]  Singapore Gateway ( Gateway )

  Will perform backup on the following appliances:
    - Singapore Controller

  Backup destination is /Users/ann.gills/Downloads/appgate/backup

    ✓ Singapore Controller: download complete

  Backup complete!

  # use cz-restore script internal to the appliance to restore the backup file
List registered devices and renew their tokens

# list distinguished names of registered devices
> sdpctl.exe token list
  Distinguished Name                     Device ID       Last Token Issued At           Provider Name    Username
  ------------------                     ---------       --------------------           -------------    --------
  CN=2cc1a54a...,CN=ann.gills,OU=ldap    2cc1a54a-...    2022-11-22T09:42:09.738773Z    ldap             ann.gills

# renew all tokens for ann.gills
> sdpctl.exe token revoke "CN=2cc1a54...,CN=ann.gills,OU=ldap"
  ID           Type            Distinguished Name                   Issued          Expires         Revoked  Site ID    Site Name   Revocation Time
  --           ----            ------------------                   ------          -------         -------  -------    ---------   ---------------
  e9abaff5...  Entitlement     CN=2cc1a54a...,CN=ann.gills,OU=ldap  2022-11-22 ...  2022-11-23 ...  true      8a4add    SG-01       2022-11-22 ...
  d9910d8d...  Claims          CN=2cc1a54a...,CN=ann.gills,OU=ldap  2022-11-22 ...  2022-11-23 ...  true                            2022-11-22 ...

# renew all entitlement tokens
> sdpctl.exe token revoke --by-token-type entitlement
  ID           Type            Distinguished Name                   Issued          Expires         Revoked  Site ID    Site Name   Revocation Time
  --           ----            ------------------                   ------          -------         -------  -------    ---------   ---------------
  e9abaff5...  Entitlement     CN=2cc1a54a...,CN=ann.gills,OU=ldap  2022-11-22 ...  2022-11-23 ...  true      8a4add    SG-01       2022-11-22 ...
Manage multiple Collectives advanced

# you can manage multiple Collectives by adding more admin profiles

# configure your production SDP Collective
> sdpctl.exe configure
  ? Enter the url for the Controller API (example
  Configuration updated successfully

# by default there are no profiles created
> sdpctl.exe profile list
no profiles added

# create a new profile for staging
> sdpctl.exe profile add staging
  Created profile staging, run 'sdpctl profile list' to see all available profiles
  run 'sdpctl profile set staging' to select the new profile

# note that at this point, sdpctl is still using the "default" profile

> sdpctl.exe profile list
  Current profile is default (/Users/ann.gills/Library/Application Support/sdpctl/profiles/default) primary

  Available profiles
  Name       Config directory
  ----       ----------------
  default    /Users/ann.gills/Library/Application Support/sdpctl/profiles/default
  staging    /Users/ann.gills/Library/Application Support/sdpctl/profiles/staging

# set the staging profile as current
> sdpctl.exe profile set staging
  staging (/Users/ann.gills/Library/Application Support/sdpctl/profiles/staging) is selected as current sdp profile

# now, sdpctl is still using the "staging" profile

# configure your staging SDP Collectice
> sdpctl.exe configure
  ? Enter the url for the Controller API (example
  Configuration updated successfully

> sdpctl.exe profile list
  Current profile is staging (/Users/ann.gills/Library/Application Support/sdpctl/profiles/staging) primary controller

  Available profiles
  Name       Config directory
  ----       ----------------
  default    /Users/ann.gills/Library/Application Support/sdpctl/profiles/default
  staging    /Users/ann.gills/Library/Application Support/sdpctl/profiles/staging

# once you are done with managin staging Collective, you can switch back to default
# set the default profile as current
> sdpctl.exe profile set default
  staging (/Users/ann.gills/Library/Application Support/sdpctl/profiles/default) is selected as current sdp profile
Configure for unattended use advanced

# you can run sdpctl unattended using the environment variables.

# list available environment variables
> sdpctl.exe help environment

# once environment variables set, backup the controller sdpctl is pointing at
> sdpctl.exe appliance backup --current --quiet
  ✓ Controller  Singapore Controller: download complete
  Backup complete!

Available Commands

Appgate sdpctl is an open-source tool with capabilities beyond upgrading an SDP Collective.
Here you can find the summary for currently available commands, click on each for details.

command description
appliance Manage the appliances and perform tasks such as backups, ugprades, metrics etc
completion Generate shell completion scripts
configure Configure your Collective
help Help about any command
open Open the Admin UI in your browser
profile Manage configuration for multiple admin profiles advanced
service-users Manage Service Users

Additional Help

Here you can find the source code, additional documentation and help contact.