sdpctl Reference Guide

sdpctl appliance files

The files command lets you manage the file repository on the connected Controller


The files command lets you manage the file repository on the currently connected Controller.


  -h, --help   help for files

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-version int          Peer API version override
      --ci-mode                  Log to stderr instead of file and disable progress-bars
      --debug                    Enable debug logging
      --descending               Change the direction of sort order when using the '--order-by' flag. Using this will reverse the sort order for all keywords specified in the '--order-by' flag.
      --events-path string       send logs to unix domain socket path
  -e, --exclude stringToString   Filter appliances using a comma separated list of key-value pairs. Regex syntax is used for matching strings. Example: '--exclude name=controller,site=<site-id> etc.'.
                                 Available keywords to filter on are: name, id, tags|tag, version, hostname|host, active|activated, site|site-id, function (default [])
  -i, --include stringToString   Include appliances. Adheres to the same syntax and key-value pairs as '--exclude' (default [])
      --no-interactive           Suppress interactive prompt with auto accept
      --no-verify                Don't verify TLS on for the given command, overriding settings from config file
      --order-by strings         Order appliance lists by keywords, i.e. 'name', 'id' etc. Accepts a comma seperated list of keywords, where first mentioned has priority. Applies to the 'appliance list' and 'appliance stats' commands. (default [name])
  -p, --profile string           Profile configuration to use