sdpctl Reference Guide

sdpctl appliance upgrade prepare

Prepare the appliances for upgrade


Prepare an upgrade but do NOT install it. This means the upgrade file will be downloaded/uploaded to all the appliances, the signature verified as well as any other preconditions applicable at this point.

There are initial checks on the filename before attempting to upload it to the Appliances. If a local upgrade image is uploaded to the Controller, the only pre-condition is that the filename ends with the file extension ‘’. If, however, the file is hosted on a server and a URL is provided to the prepare command, the filename should also contain a version, such as 6.0.3. Otherwise the prepare will fail.

Note that the ‘–image’ flag also accepts URL:s. The Appliances will then attempt to download the upgrade image using the provided URL. It will fail if the Appliances cannot access the URL.

sdpctl appliance upgrade prepare [flags]


  # prepare an upgrade from a local upgrade image
  > sdpctl appliance upgrade prepare --image=/path/to/

  # prepare an upgrade from remote upgrade image
  > sdpctl appliance upgrade prepare --image=

  # use the primary Controller as an upgrade image host for the other appliances
  > sdpctl appliance upgrade prepare --image= --host-on-controller

  # prepare only certain appliances based on a filter
  > sdpctl appliance upgrade prepare --image=/path/to/ --include function=controller


      --actual-hostname string    If the actual hostname is different from that which you are connecting to the appliance admin API, this flag can be used for setting the actual hostname
      --dev-keyring               Use the development keyring to verify the upgrade image
      --docker-registry string    Custom docker registry for downloading function docker images. Needs to be accessible by the sdpctl host machine.
      --force                     Force prepare of upgrade on appliances even though the version uploaded is the same or lower than the version already running on the appliance
  -h, --help                      help for prepare
      --host-on-controller        Use the primary Controller as image host when uploading from remote source
      --image string              Upgrade image file or URL
      --logserver-bundle string   Path to a local LogServer image bundle file to upload and use when upgrading a LogServer appliance.
      --no-interactive            Suppress interactive prompt with auto accept
      --skip-container-bundle     skip the bundling of the docker images for functions that need them, e.g. the LogServer
      --throttle int              Upgrade is done in batches using a throttle value. You can control the throttle using this flag (default 5)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-version int          Peer API version override
      --ci-mode                  Log to stderr instead of file and disable progress-bars
      --debug                    Enable debug logging
      --descending               Change the direction of sort order when using the '--order-by' flag. Using this will reverse the sort order for all keywords specified in the '--order-by' flag.
      --events-path string       send logs to unix domain socket path
  -e, --exclude stringToString   Filter appliances using a comma separated list of key-value pairs. Regex syntax is used for matching strings. Example: '--exclude name=controller,site=<site-id> etc.'.
                                 Available keywords to filter on are: name, id, tags|tag, version, hostname|host, active|activated, site|site-id, function (default [])
  -i, --include stringToString   Include appliances. Adheres to the same syntax and key-value pairs as '--exclude' (default [])
      --no-verify                Don't verify TLS on for the given command, overriding settings from config file
      --order-by strings         Order appliance lists by keywords, i.e. 'name', 'id' etc. Accepts a comma seperated list of keywords, where first mentioned has priority. Applies to the 'appliance list' and 'appliance stats' commands. (default [name])
  -p, --profile string           Profile configuration to use
  -t, --timeout duration         Timeout for the upgrade operation. The timeout applies to each appliance which is being operated on (default 30m0s)