sdpctl Reference Guide

sdpctl token list

List distinguished names of active devices


List distinguished names of active tokens, either in table format or JSON format using the ‘–json’ flag

sdpctl token list [flags]


  # default list command
  > sdpctl token list

  # print list in JSON format
  > sdpctl token list --json


      --descending         Reverses the order of the token list
  -h, --help               help for list
      --order-by strings   Order tokens list by keyword. Available keywords are 'distinguished-name', 'hostname', 'username', 'provider-name', 'device-id' and 'username' (default [distinguished-name])

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-version int      Peer API version override
      --ci-mode              Log to stderr instead of file and disable progress-bars
      --debug                Enable debug logging
      --events-path string   send logs to unix domain socket path
      --json                 Display in JSON format
      --no-interactive       Suppress interactive prompt with auto accept
      --no-verify            Don't verify TLS on for the given command, overriding settings from config file
  -p, --profile string       Profile configuration to use


  • sdpctl token - Perform actions on Admin, Claims and Entitlement tokens