sdpctl Reference Guide

sdpctl token revoke

Revoke entitlement tokens by distinguished name or token-type


Revoke tokens by distinguished name or token type.

Valid token types are:

  • administration

  • adminclaims

  • entitlements

  • claims

sdpctl token revoke [<distinguished-name> | --by-token-type <type>] [flags]


  # revoke by distinguished name
  > sdpctl token revoke <distinguished-name>

  # revoke by token type
  > sdpctl token revoke --token-type=claims


      --by-token-type string                   Revoke all tokens of this type. { administration, adminclaims, entitlements, claims }
      --delay-minutes int32                    Delay time for token revocations in minutes. defaults to 5 minutes (default 5)
  -h, --help                                   help for revoke
      --per-second float32                     Tokens are revoked in batches according to this value to spread load on the Controller. defaults to 7 token per second (default 7)
      --reason string                          Reason for revocation
      --site-id string                         Revoke only tokens for the given site ID
      --specific-distinguished-names strings   Comma-separated string of distinguished names to renew tokens in bulk for a specific list of devices
      --token-type string                      Revoke only certain types of token when revoking by distinguished name

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-version int      Peer API version override
      --ci-mode              Log to stderr instead of file and disable progress-bars
      --debug                Enable debug logging
      --events-path string   send logs to unix domain socket path
      --json                 Display in JSON format
      --no-interactive       Suppress interactive prompt with auto accept
      --no-verify            Don't verify TLS on for the given command, overriding settings from config file
  -p, --profile string       Profile configuration to use


  • sdpctl token - Perform actions on Admin, Claims and Entitlement tokens